Dedication / Inter-Faith Land Dedication / On The Land

Polestar Village Land & Farm end of West Plum St after Kimball, Fort Collins, CO, United States

Join us as we honor this sacred land with an experiential ceremony including blessings from multiple spiritual leaders. Events include community alter building (everyone is welcome to bring something to place on an alter; details to follow) and a special tree planting.    

Polestar Volunteer Day, Kirtan & Potluck!

Polestar Village Land & Farm end of West Plum St after Kimball, Fort Collins, CO, United States

2-5PM: Volunteers needed for a Harvest party! Please bring a produce bag to take goodies home! We'll also pack up veggies for local food banks & do some clean-up / maintenance to close up the season. Thank you to everyone for such a beautifully bountiful 1st Polestar Village community garden! ~5-6PM: Please come for kirtan/sacred music under the […]

Yogananda’s Vision of World Communities

first spiritual church 3375 S Dahlia St, 80222, Denver, CO, United States

Join us at The First Spiritual Science Church of Denver: An Open Metaphysical Community. They have invited us to share our vision of intentional spiritual community! Daiva will share Yogananda's vision for world communities, Michael and guests will play sacred music, and we will connect at the potluck afterwards. Hope to see you there!  Service […]

Tuesday Evening Group Meditations / Temple of Tree / Polestar Village Land

Polestar Village Land & Farm end of West Plum St after Kimball, Fort Collins, CO, United States

Join us on the land in the "Temple of Trees" for sacred music, prayer and meditation. We will move to the hoop house when the weather shift. Let's create sacred space together; add something that is special to you to the natural altar. There are chairs available. Please bring anything else you'd like for comfort […]

Tuesday Evening Group Meditations / Temple of Tree / Polestar Village Land

Polestar Village Land & Farm end of West Plum St after Kimball, Fort Collins, CO, United States

Join us on the land in the "Temple of Trees" for sacred music, prayer and meditation. We will move to the hoop house when the weather shift. Let's create sacred space together; add something that is special to you to the natural altar. There are chairs available. Please bring anything else you'd like for comfort […]

Tuesday Evening Group Meditations / Temple of Tree / Polestar Village Land

Polestar Village Land & Farm end of West Plum St after Kimball, Fort Collins, CO, United States

Join us on the land in the "Temple of Trees" for sacred music, prayer and meditation. We will move to the hoop house when the weather shift. Let's create sacred space together; add something that is special to you to the natural altar. There are chairs available. Please bring anything else you'd like for comfort […]

Tuesday Evening Group Meditations / Temple of Tree / Polestar Village Land

Polestar Village Land & Farm end of West Plum St after Kimball, Fort Collins, CO, United States

We have moved the altar into the west end of the hoop house! There will be radiant heaters and lighting. Layered clothing is encouraged. There is plenty of seating on chairs or on the carpet. Please bring anything you'll need for comfort like a meditation cushion, blanket, water bottle. Let’s create sacred space together; add […]

Build Your Inner Environment! / Polestar Silent Meditation Half-Day Retreats / Unity of Fort Collins

Unity of Fort Collins 1401 W Vine Dr, Fort Collins, CO, United States

Join us for a day of deep rest and connection. Enjoy silent sitting and walking meditations, yoga, journalling, an art table, tea and snacks. "Build your inner environment. Practice silence." Paramhansa Yogananda  Unity of Fort Collins: 1401 W Vine Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80521 Event Fee: $10 (pay on-site) Additional Retreats: December 10th, January 14 […]

Polestar Kirtan & Holiday Song Circle / Unity of Fort Collins

Polestar Village Land & Farm end of West Plum St after Kimball, Fort Collins, CO, United States

Sacred music / kirtan at Unity of Fort Collins, followed by a light meal and the first gathering of our holiday music group. We'll enjoy learning sacred songs together and ultimately share this joyful music with others during the holiday season. Feel free to bring a snack to share- we'll provide soup and fresh bread! […]

Tuesday Evening Group Meditations / Polestar Village Land / Hoop House

Polestar Village Land & Farm end of West Plum St after Kimball, Fort Collins, CO, United States

We have moved the altar into the west end of the hoop house! There will be radiant heaters and lighting. Layered clothing is encouraged. There is plenty of seating on chairs or on the carpet. Please bring anything you'll need for comfort like a meditation cushion, blanket, water bottle. Let’s create sacred space together; add […]

Tuesday Evening Group Meditations / Studio Adjacent to Polestar Village Land

Polestar Village Land & Farm end of West Plum St after Kimball, Fort Collins, CO, United States

Winter is officially here! With the cold temperatures and snow, we have moved the weekly group meditation indoors. Our gracious neighbors, Bill & Claudia, are hosting us in a studio attached to their house directly adjacent on the east side of the Polestar land. As usual, please park along the eastern fence line on the […]