“Environment is Stronger than Willpower”  –  Paramhansa Yogananda

The challenges of our times – environmental, social, and spiritual – call us to recreate the way in which we live. Honoring our differences and embracing our interdependence with each other, the planet we live on, and the Spirit that moves through us, Polestar Village offers both a return to simplicity and a remembrance of our higher purpose.

Welcome Video

An ‘Intentional Neighborhood’ 

Polestar Gardens, Inc is an educational non-profit seeking those who share its inclusive values of “Spirit, Community, and Lifelong Learning,” to co-create an intentional neighborhood in beautiful Fort Collins. CO.  We hope to begin construction late fall 2024 on Polestar Village;  a 20 acre, semi-urban, mixed use development including a walkable Village Center, sacred space for yoga and meditation, a large community garden, community center with dining hall and classrooms, privately and collaboratively owned sustainably built housing including townhomes, condos, and single family dwellings,  elder living, play areas, trails and much more.

What is intentional community(neighborhood)? 

Special Events - All are Welcome!

Polestar Village Groundbreaking Equinox Weekend!

September 20 @ 4:00 pm - September 22 @ 5:00 pm

Ongoing Events - All are Welcome!

Kirtan and Sacred Music - Wednesdays

6-7pm, Come for chanting, stay for potluck dinner!

Potluck Dinner – Wednesdays


Garden Volunteer Day- Fridays


Community Circle / Online Every 3rd Sunday of the Month

July 21 @ 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

3D Fly Through - Polestar Village Center

Drone footage - June 2024

  The Vision

  • Sacred space for yoga & meditation
  • Walkable Village Center
  • Common areas for cooking, dining & gathering
  • Central community garden & pocket gardens throughout
  • Play areas, pickleball courts, open space & natural areas
  • Walking & biking trails
  • Sustainably built, energy-efficient designs 
  • Privately-owned single family dwellings, townhomes & condos
  • Collaboratively owned apartments & rentals
  • Live/work, micro & age-in-place units
  • Elder housing, elder care & preschool

Community Gardens

Continuing the momentum of almost 40 years of organic, biodynamic gardening from the Happy Heart Farm, and with the purchase of 14 1/2 acre-feet per year of irrigation water in the bargain, food production will be a significant feature of life at Polestar Village. The garden is a place for growing not only food but also friendships, health, and wisdom. Private and common gardening areas throughout the community will allow each of us the opportunity to have organic, locally grown food in our daily diets.

garden row of salad greens

Fort Collins - Colorado

Just over an hour north of Denver International Airport, Fort Collins is a vibrant and growing city offering extensive outdoor activities and opportunities. Residents and visitors can enjoy miles of biking trails, wild areas leading into the mountains, rivers, lakes, and a thriving city center with a charming town square. The area provides abundant options for biking, camping, hiking, whitewater rafting, kayaking, climbing, winter sports, and more, with nearby attractions like Horsetooth Reservoir, the Poudre River, Rocky Mountain National Park, and other nature areas offering endless adventures.

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